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ASSBIFI, NUPENG, Decry worker's casualisation, and poor working condition.

Labour unions under the aegis of Association of Senior Staff of Banks, Insurance and other Financial Institutions (ASSBIFI) and National Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas workers (NUPENG) have kicked against high level of casualisation and poor working conditions for Nigerian workers across the sectors of the economy.

Speaking during the celebration of 'World Decent Day for Workers', National President of ASSBIFI, Comrade Sunday Salami, said workers must fight against casualisation in accordance with International Labour Organization (ILO) convention.

According to him, "We are now in era where government agencies are also involve in workers' casualisation through outsourcing of jobs that are supposed to be permanently meant for Nigerians. This is not good for our democracy and we are determined to fight it.

"Last year, we focused on the challenges of casualisation among the Nigerian workers. It was so serious that we discovered that the actual cause of casualisation is corporate greed which also transformed into outsourcing.

"We noticed that there are also other issues that are as a result of corporate greed. The issue of vulnerable workers have always been at the forefront of our discuss. We have always at the forefront on the issue of outsourcing and casualisation, we have been fighting it. But our challenge is that we have government that have been compromised. "Employers and government are the same."

Posted via Festechvibes panels.

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