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Some natural solutions to sleep disorder (3)

I hope you now enjoy a good night rest. As earlier sections of this series have suggested, rest full sleep is the outcome of many factors. For example, the nerves must not be tremulous or spasmodic, that is gripping and shivery, otherwise many unpleasant situations may arise. Nerve spasms may cause irregular contractions of smooth muscles in the blood vessels of the brain, and these, in turn, may decrease blood circulation to the brain or flood it with more blood than it needs. Too little blood means insufficient oxygen, and too much blood may present situations of drowning brain nerves and cells. Pain may arise when oxygen supply is inadequate.

Poor blood circulation implies wastes accumulation and torment of brain tissue by accumulated wastes or toxins. Tick blood may osmotically dehydrate brain tissue, causing headache. That is why it is advisable to drink one or two glasses of water about thirty minutes before a meal and about two hours after a mill. This helps to prevent tick blood or pressure in the head. When we realise that the Pineal Gland, situated in the brain, is responsible for producing melatonin, the brain chemical which makes us to fall asleep or feel like doing so from about 9pm, and that a wrong brain biochemistry negatively affect this glands, we appreciate better the need to care for the brain through the diet, relaxation and positive thinking. Positive thinking is crucial in this, as in all matters of health, because stress and anger, for example, might decrease not only the amount of melatonin in the system, but, also, the capacity of the Pineal gland to manufacture it.

Earlier sections of this series suggested as well the need for alkaline forming foods, for acidosis compromises healthy metabolism. Caffeine disturbs sleep. In the brain, it burns Choline and Inositol to produce bursts of energy which produces the caffeine energy burst. But the energy burst is short-time energy. The user soon returns to status quo- ante when the energy is used up, and requires another doses. Frequently doses soon burn out the choline and inositol reserves. Choline and inositol are found in Lecithin, a fat-dissolving chemical substance which has been found to lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure, discourage gall-stone formation, improve cell signaling and improve immunity, among other benefits. In 1975, the Mossachusetts institute of Technology (MIT) carried out a "ground-breaking study which found that a daily supply of lecithin improves brain chemical activity." In, we learn that lecithin affected brain activities such as learning, memory, motor co-ordination, sensory feedback and sleep patterns." The website adds that: "we can use these findings by concluding that Lecithin improves memory, speech, and motor problems that affected balance and movement. In his book, TOTAL CONCENTRATION, Dr. Levinson, a neurologist from New York, states that he frequently uses Lecithin to help both attention and learning in his young patients."

In we observe: "Lecithin makes up nearly a third of your brains dry weight. This natural food substance is found in soy products and egg yolk, and is available as a supplement as well. Two to four teaspoons daily has consistently shortened the time needed for people to go to sleep."

If caffeine burns choline and inositol in Lecithin beyond normal proportions, the outcome on the brain is not so far-fetched. The image of caffeine in health matters has become so terribly beleaguered, despite the pharmacological credits ascribed to it, that many people who take caffeine containing foods are abandoning them. To the credit of caffeine is the suggestion that it is a central nervous system stimulant, a broncho-dilator and a mild diuretic. That would make it good for depression, bad breathing conditions, water logging and all that. But the negative impact has led to the "bad-mouthing" or discrediting of coffee, for example. As the coffee market set to dwindled, big boys of the trade came up with de-caffeinated coffee which has now been found to be worse than plain coffee on its damaging effects on health. From decaffeinated coffee, coffee pushers have moved to coffee combos with all sorts of health - promoting herbs. This has led to such proprietary products as Ginseng - Coffee, Red Yeast Coffee, Garnoderma coffee and, lately, Lecithin - coffee. The idea behind it all seems to be that "since you need caffeine to stay smart, and since caffeine has been so terribly condemned, you can have your coffee with a healthful herb which can reduce its side effects. I avoid such treats as much as I can. I would rather take energy-making herbs which gently keep me going, not even those popular energy drinks on the market which contain lot of caffeine. These energy given herbs will include Lecithin, Ginseng, Ganoderma, Ubiquinol variant of CoQ10, cordyceps, B vitamins, coral Calcium, Honey, Moringa, Graviola leaves, bark and stem powder tea, Blackstrap molasses, Black seed oil, chlorella and the likes of them.

I know of some people who do not sleep easily or well when they take caffeine in caffeine containing pain killers, or even Cola drinks. Some people get off their sleep problems when they get off these drinks. I have seen some women who found their menstrual cycle problems reversed to normal when they stop cola drinks.

In the last section of this series, VERVAIN tea was proposed as a nerve relaxant and a sleep promoter, among its many other beneficial uses. Today, I would like to propose CHAMOMILE and VALERIAN ROOT.


We are advised in : "Chamomile, scientifically known as Matricaria recutita and also called German Chamomile, is normally employed by natural healers to treat digestive disorders, colds, muscle spasms, skin rashes, inflamed gums and infections. But it is the herbs ability to reduce anxiety, elevate mood and combat insomnia that is presently of particular interest to medical researchers.

Researchers have discovered that one constituent of Chamomile tea works on the brain in a way similar to that of Bensodia Zepines, a group of anziolytic or anxiety reducing drugs that include Xan ax and Valium. Not only can these drugs cause unpleasant side effects such as headaches, confusion, trembling, dizziness and nightmare - but they can be physically addictive but chamomile on the other hand, helps to smooth jangled nerves and to promote restful sleep without the risks of harmful side effects or physical habitation. Animal research and some limited clinical studies have supported chamomile's ability to elevate mood, reduce anxiety and promote sleep. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and published in 2012 in ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE, people diagnosed with mild to moderate anxiety and depression were given 220mg of Chamomile extract daily for eight weeks. Utilising both Black Anxiety inventory system and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating, researchers found that 57 percent of the group using the Chamomile had a significant reduction in their symptoms. Even more encouraging was the fact that the beneficial effect increased over time unlike pharmaceutical drugs, which can cause tolerance situation in which the medication must be taken in ever increasing dosages to have the same effects- chamomile seems to work better the longer it was used on additions, to improving mood and suppressing anxiety, chamomiles may make it easier to fall asleep. In one small clinical study stated in MOLECULAR MEDICINE REPORTS, 10 out of 12 Cardiac patients felt into a deep sleep after consuming chamomile tea. These suggestions are corroborated by - health which says: "Chamomile is a herb that comes from a flowering plant from the daisy family. For centuries, both the fresh and dried flowers of Chamomile have been used to create teas and also as natural treatment for a number of health problems. The active ingredient in chamomile essential oil that makes it suitable for treating health conditions is known as Bisabolol , which has a number of anti-irritants, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

Chamomile can be used topically or orally to treat a number of every day ailments such as insomnia and other sleep disorders, anxiety and panic attacks, muscles twitches, wounds, burns and scrape, skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, chicken pox and diaper rash, stomach problems such as menstrual cramps, stomach flu and ulcers. "Chamomile has been found to contain fairly strong anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory constituents. Therefore, it has been found to be effective in treating stomach and intestinal cramps."


This is one of my favourite herbs for headaches and for sleep. For headaches, it works as well, if not better than, such herbs as fever few and skull cap. Valerian root is eulogised in "Valerian root is widely used and respected by the general population and physicians for its sedative effect and anti-anxiety capabilities. You may have even had valerian root before and not even realised it. It is very common for valerian root to be included in sleep promoting tea blends, but it does just offers a solid night sleep. It is also amazing at naturally calming anxiety and can even lower blood pressure, among other tremendous benefits." The website offers five major health benefits of valerian roots.

In it words: "One. Naturally Aids Sleep. Studies show that Valerian reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep, so if you can't sleep, it may be just what you are looking for. Unlike many prescriptions of sleeping pills, Valerian has fewer side effects and it is a lot less likely to result in morning drowsiness. In one double-blind study conducted by the FOELNINGE HEALTH CENTRE in Sweden, the effects of Valerian on poor sleep were significant. Of the study participants, 44 percent reported perfect sleep while 89 percent reported improved sleep when taking Valerian root. In addition, no side effects were observed for this group. Valerian root is often combined with other sedative herbs, such as hops (C humulus lupulus) and Lemon balm (Melissa officianalis), to treat insomnia. In one study of children with minor sleep problems published in PHYTOMEDICINE, 81 percent of those who took a herb combination of Valerian and Lemon Balm reported sleeping much better than these who took a placebo.

"Why can valerian root help you sleep so well? Valerian extract can cause sedation by increasing your brains GABA level. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter, and in large enough quantities it can cause a sedative effect. Result from an invitro study suggests that valerian extracts may cause GABA to be released from brain nerve endings and block GABA from being taken back into nerve cells. In addition, Valerians Valeric acid inhibits and enzymes that destroys GABA, another way that Valerian can improve your GABA levels and promote a great night rest.

"Two. Calms anxiety: Scientist have found that Valerian root increases the amount of a chemical called GAMMA AMINOBUTYRIC ACID (GABA) in the brain. GABA helps regulates nerve cells and calm anxiety. Drugs such as alprazolam (Xanax) and diazepam (valium) also works by increasing the amount of GABA in the brain. The Valeric acid and Valerenol contained in Valerian root extract act as an anti-anxiety agent. It is presently amazing that a herbal remedy as Valerian root can have the same anti-anxiety effects of prescription drugs without all the serious side effects of Psychotropic drugs.

"Three. Lowers blood pressure: Now that you know that Valerian root can be so calming to the mind and body, it is probably not surprising to hear it can also help lower blood pressure improving heart health. The same active components that make Valerian root so effective for stress and anxiety management can also help the body regulate it blood pressure. High blood pressure is something you definitely want to avoid since it increases the chance of stroke and heart attack. Valerian root supplements can help naturally reduce blood pressure and keep it at a healthy level which has a direct positive impact on your health.

"Four. Eases Menstrual Cramps: The relaxing nature of Valerian root can make it a smart choice for natural relief of menstrual cramps. It can reduce the severity and discomfort of menstrual cramps, which is a common problem for women who suffer monthly from PMS. How exactly can Valerian root help? It is a natural sedative and anti-spasmodic which means it suppresses muscle spasms and acts as a natural muscle relaxant. Valerian root can effectively calm the severe uterus muscle contractions that cause the terrible pain women may experience during menstruation, as a double blind, randomised placebo-controlled study from ISLAMIC AZAD UNIVERSITY in Iran showed.

"Five. Improves Stress Management: By reducing anxiety and improving the length and quality of sleep, Valerian root can significantly help with daily stress management. Chronic stress can make you anxious. But anxiety can make you even more stressed out. By improving GABA level, Valerian makes it easier for both the mind and body to relax. Since relaxation is the antithesis of stress, Valerian root is an excellent natural way to help keep your stress down, and your quality of life up. Furthermore, Valerian root has been shown to suppress both physical and Psychological stress, ascending to research in BMC complementary and Alternative Medicine."

As you may have seen in the series so far, Mother Nature has blessed us with everything we need to keep our body health and to have a restful night sleep after a hard day labour. For those who know about it, there are beings which keeps the earth moving, producing the effects of night and day, to bring sleep hours and work hours. Many researchers have educated us about the three rhythms of the day. One rhythm from 12 midnight to 8am helps our bodies to detoxify themselves and eliminate the waste product of their daily activities. That is why you go to wee or to void stool. Another rhythm, from 8am to 4pm enables our bodies to digest the food we put into them. But we must start gradually from light food for breakfast to heavier food at lunch time when the sun is high up and providing a large of quantum of energy for everything alive to do work, and from here dovetail to light food again when the sun is going down and energy to do work, including digestion, is ebbing. You will notice that animals from about 4pm and 5pm or even 6pm begins to go homewards to rest, after a hard day's labour. Look at the chickens and the goats and the birds. They hardly eat when the sun is down unless manipulated to do so by man. In the evenings, when the sun has gone away, many people overloads their bodies with food, giving it the work of digestion to do, when it should actually be absorbing nutrient from digested food. This confuses the body, and makes it less efficient including preparing itself for sleep. In these matters, I remember the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (May the Peace of Allah be with him wherever he is). The Koran says that, when we eat, we should fill one third of the stomach with food, another third with water and the remaining third with air. That means we should eat light always. Hands up Desola Seriki (Nee Oshilaran) if you do not break this rule. Hands up, too, Chris Daniel and Stanley Utsu if you do not overstock your stomach with heavily compacted Agege Bread. The third rhythm, from 4pm to 12 midnight is for the assimilation of nutrients from the food we eat to detoxify itself of poisons and waste products of its daily activities.

Posted via Festechvibes panels.

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